By using Maker.js you can draw using geometry and drafting. Initially designated for CNC and laser cutters, Maker.js can also help you programmatically draw shapes for any purpose. It runs on both Node.js and web browsers.
Core Features of Maker.js
In Node.js or React you can install Maker.js by using this code.
npm install makerjs --save // Include it on our program. var makerjs = require('makerjs');
In Paths, you can draw a line, circle, or arc by using these codes which require us to pass some default parameters. For example, when drawing a line, there's a start-point and end-point; for drawing a circle, there must be a radius or a diameter and an origin of the circle. Similarly, while drawing an arc, there is a start-point and end-point of an arc, radius. The arc is clockwise and the large arc is anti-clockwise.
Let's see the code for that.
For drawing a line,
var line = { type: 'line', origin: [0, 0], end: [1, 1] };
For drawing a circle,
var circle = { type: 'circle', origin: [0, 0], radius: 1 };
For drawing an arc,
var arc = { type: 'arc', origin: [0, 0], radius: 1, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 45 };
For more reference:
We can also draw a dashed circle by using this code.
const div = 360/50; // 50 is total dashed lines in circle const span = div * 0.70; // distance b/w dashed line const paths=[]; for(var i = 1; i < 51;i++){ const start = i * div; paths.push(new makerjs.paths.Arc(origin,radius,start,start+span)); } return paths;
For a dashed line, you can use the following code.
const count = 30; //Total count of lines const ratio = 0.6; //Distance b/w 2 lines const paths = []; const line = new makerjs.paths.Line(startPoint,endPoint); const length = makerjs.measure.pathLength(line); const totalDashLength = length * ratio; const totalGapLength = length — totalDashLength; const dashLength = totalDashLength / count; const gapLength = totalGapLength / (count — 1); const normal = makerjs.point.subtract(line.end, line.origin); const dash = new makerjs.paths.Line([0, 0], makerjs.point.scale(normal, dashLength / length)); const gap = makerjs.point.scale(normal, gapLength / length); var origin = line.origin; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { const d = makerjs.$(dash) .clone() .move(origin) .addTo(line,i) .$result; origin = makerjs.point.add(d.end, gap); paths.push(d); } return paths;
In Models, we can draw a Bolt circle, Star, Bezier Curve, Ellipse, Round Rectangle Etc.
Example of Ring and Boltcircle in models
var makerjs = require('makerjs'); var model = { models: { ring1: new makerjs.models.Ring(40, 100), bc1: new makerjs.models.BoltCircle(90, 4, 10), bc2: new makerjs.models.BoltCircle(55, 7, 6, 30) } }; var svg = makerjs.exporter.toSVG(model); document.write(svg);
For more reference:
We can also find the intersection point of paths by,
var makerjs = require('makerjs'); var model = { paths: { line1: new makerjs.paths.Line([0, 0], [20, 10]), line2: new makerjs.paths.Line([2, 10], [50, 2]) } }; var int = makerjs.path.intersection(model.paths.line1, model.paths.line2); console.log(int); var svg = makerjs.exporter.toSVG(model); document.write(svg);
You can also draw a small or big line or circle,
Let's take a look at the code for small and big dashed lines,
var paths5=[] var k=-800; for(var s = 0; s < 800/37; s++){ if(s%2 === 0){ k = k+90 paths.push(new makerjs.paths.Line([k+40,0],[k,0])) } else{ k=k+60 paths.push(new makerjs.paths.Line([k+80,0],[k,0])) } } return paths5;
The code for small and big dashed arcs in a circle is,
const div = 360/30; const paths = []; for(var i = 1; i < 31; i++){ if(i % 2 === 1){ const span = div * 0.7; const start = i * div; paths.push(new makerjs.paths.Arc(origin,radius,start,start+span)); } else{ const span = div * 0.55; const start = i * div; paths.push(new makerjs.paths.Arc(origin,radius,start,start+span)); } } return paths;
For Exporting.
Maker.js provides SVG, DXF, and OpenCad Format for exporting our canvas drawing.
For SVG,
Callmakerjs.exporter.toSVG(model)to pass your model. This function returns a string of SVG.
For DXF,
Callmakerjs.exporter.toDXF(model)to pass your model. This function returns a string of DXF.
If your drawing has layers with names that match the following reserved color names, paths on that layer will have the following stroke color automatically:
aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, gray, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow.
For more reference:
For more documentation:
Thank you for reading!Design
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